We are proud to offer collateral loans for your precious goods. We offer loans on jewelry i.e. gold, platinum, designer jewelry brands, diamonds, high end watches, music instruments and gear, electronics and photography equipment, and much more. Stop in for a quote today.
If you are looking to sell your valuables we are happy to offer a free estimate on any and all items that are brought in. We specialize in all kinds of jewelry, coins and money, antiques, collectibles, musical instruments, military items, sterling silverware and flatware, toys, and more. No item is too small or large, stop in for a free estimate today.
We often hear that our store is similar to a mini museum and that is a huge compliment! The neat part is that everything here is for sale and you will find unique items in a wide variety. Full jewelry as well as antiques, collectibles, musical instruments, and so much more our stock is always changing. Stop in and check us out.